Sunday, August 19, 2007

I'm supposed to be studying...

... So I'll make this blog my reward :)

... I'll be back...


All right so I did a bit of studying... well I'm not sure if you could really call it studying - I was just doing some prelab work for Analytical Chem so it was definitely stuff I had to do... probably not study then... *sighs*

Ah well

Is it just me or is Uni out to get me? It's seriously killing all semblance of any sort of life I may have had... or have...

... random side note - ooo I love this song!...


Anyway... Uni, while fun and most certainly what I want to do, it REALLY hard right now. On top of everything I have going right now, I have a feeling I'm going to go completely mental by the mid-semesters... but that's going back into "negative-attitude-Joh" and that's not a good plan :)


I think I've wasted enough time complaining about the fact that I have no time to do the work I need to so I think I'll get out of my "hypocrite" corner and go and do something constructive... hehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Joh!
I find it helpful to break my work into small sections and then I can cross each section off my list as I do it, and I actually feel like I'm accomplishing something.
Besides, there's no way I'm going to let you snap into "negative attitude Joh"...
On to other matters...*ahem*...I WANT LARRY BACK!