Well, as promised, I thought I'd write down some thoughts and experiences from last week...
... and I also promise I'll try not to make this sound too corny although as the first sentence seems to suggest, that could be a little tricky...
Last week, me and a group of others from CREDO, Wollongong Uni and Moore College, went to Port Hacking for an HSC study camp... and no I was not studying... I was helping other people study (I'm not that much of a nerd... really)
The basic Premise of the Anglican Youthworks Study Camps is to... well study really. But they also run Bible-based talks and discussion groups. Paul, our speaker, decided to go through Ephesians which raised alot of really good questions and disscussions.
It was such a privelage to be able to share the gospel with "kids" (hehe - they got so offended when we called them that - we had to explain that it's more of a term of endearment than anything else... so funny) who probably didn't have much of a chance to hear it before camp and it was so encouraging to see them so open to asking questions.
Most of all, I was encouraged by the leaders on the camp - they were an amazing bunch of christian men and women! Kudos to Kat DC and Paul for handling some of the tricky situations with such God- given patience and kindness! It was so great to see!
Leaving camp, I was struck by what can only be described as "post camp blues".
I got home and sat on the edge of my bed and just felt... well sad really. I hadn't wanted to leave! I think it's a sign of a great camp more than anything - I got the same feeling after ETC. *Sigh*
Anyway, I'm off to go and tackle that room worm into submission... if I don't make it, Amy, you can have all my CD's.
Hey Joh! Welcome to the blogosphere!
Sounds like study camp was awesome. I've been at MYC this last week so I can totally relate to post- camp blues...
Incidentally, are you doing primary at SS08? I'd love to do it, not sure about it yet though.
All the best for cleaning your room, I'm procrastinating from doing just that! See you.
I'm not sure if i'm going to at the moment... I've been asked to go on a beach mission so we'll see how that pans out :) You should so do it though - it's heaps of fun and the people on team are great!
Good to hear from you!
Hello Joh-Joh. I most certainly agree with you that study camp was super fun. And i was most upset and distressed the night after we left when I was trying to go to sleep and there was no Joh there to annoy and keep awake!!! Terrible...
Anyway, I worked today. that was fun... NOT. Sigh. When can we do something?? My silly holidays always get busy and turn into not-holidays. Its not fun. Have you started at cotton-on yet??? cause that will be something exciting! Let me know how it goes...
So yea... I miss you Joh! Hope you are going fabulously well :)
Hey! us "kids" at study camp were awesome! Particuarly me and how easy it actually is to locate all you guys on the internet!! its scary!! im scared of my own ability to find people! eeekk
sooooooooo figure who this is joh! ay ay ay ay ay ay ay who is it? ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay aya ??????????????????
ok.. think.. most annoying person there. im a girl. only clue i will give ya...
are you thinking? using your amazing chemical brain power??
i hope so!
ohh i have another clue if you havent gotten it already, successfully disrupted an entire study session by sheer projection of voice....
damn just noticed this comment thing will tell you who i am anyway! bugger. well. thats my full name. not my name name!
peace johjoh ;)
...woooww im a dickhead
Good words.
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