As you can probably tell; I'm bored. And it's not for lack of trying to find constructive things to do -it's because I went into Uni this morning only to find that the lab I thought I had to go to wasn't actually on in the first place... consequently, I wasted a morning... then came back home and wasted more time but with more of a sense of satisfaction...
...and if that made any sense to anyone, could you leave a comment and explain it to me?
Seriously though, it's been a while since I posted anything here and that's mainly because I've been away etc... I've just come back from SAN Getaway with CREDO - the AFES christian group at UTS.
For the noobs to the workings of CREDO - each faculty network has their own "Getaway" (it's basically a weekend away but in the middle of the week... hence "Getaway") and Science and Nursing decided to go to Katoomba again this year. We usually just spend time hanging out, reading the bible and praying together and listening to a few talks. This year's topic was Jonah.
...I never really realised it but Jonah, even though he was one of God's prohpets, wasn't really a very nice guy. He was really an arrogant jerk in many respects. Listen to this:
It's really sad but I can definitely remember some times where I've felt superior to non-christians and have acted like I knew it. Hopefully, purely by the awesome grace of God, I've grown out of that (although perhaps by saying something like that I've just proved that I haven't... hmm). From a non-christian's point of view I can really see how that sort of behaviour would be a huge turn off.
It reminds me of a passage in Proverbs -
...and if that made any sense to anyone, could you leave a comment and explain it to me?
Seriously though, it's been a while since I posted anything here and that's mainly because I've been away etc... I've just come back from SAN Getaway with CREDO - the AFES christian group at UTS.
For the noobs to the workings of CREDO - each faculty network has their own "Getaway" (it's basically a weekend away but in the middle of the week... hence "Getaway") and Science and Nursing decided to go to Katoomba again this year. We usually just spend time hanging out, reading the bible and praying together and listening to a few talks. This year's topic was Jonah.
...I never really realised it but Jonah, even though he was one of God's prohpets, wasn't really a very nice guy. He was really an arrogant jerk in many respects. Listen to this:
So [the sailors] asked him, "Tell us, who is responsible for making all this trouble for us? What do you do? Where do you come from? What is your country? From what people are you?" [Jonah] answered, "I am a Hebrew and I worship the Lord, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the land." Jonah 1:8-9Hah! Can you imagine just how small the sailors would have felt at that? Jonah basically stood up and told them how amazing he was because he was one of God's chosen people when he was in some serious trouble from said "God of heaven".
It's really sad but I can definitely remember some times where I've felt superior to non-christians and have acted like I knew it. Hopefully, purely by the awesome grace of God, I've grown out of that (although perhaps by saying something like that I've just proved that I haven't... hmm). From a non-christian's point of view I can really see how that sort of behaviour would be a huge turn off.
It reminds me of a passage in Proverbs -
Perhaps when thoughts like Jonah's cross our minds, it would be better for all"When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is
wise." Proverbs 10:19
concerned to just not say anything... heh - easier said than done for someone
who feels they have to fill the smallest silence...
I suffer from "foot-in-mouth" disease...
On a lighter note, Melinda and I decided one day to hijack Jess's Larry beanie baby thingo... here are some of the photos we took... enjoy :)
hmmm... I'm pretty sure I don't actually know you... interesting...
Joh, that's blogger spam. You can stop it by upping the security for comments. :)
I like the new layout! I know you didn't copy Nick... he copied you!
Is "Credo" an acronym? What does it stand for?
No, Credo's not an acronym although you'd be surprised just how many people ask us that :) Credo is the latin word for "a statement of belief" or something along those lines. I'm sure there's a better definition on the website -!
Hope everything's going swimmingly! :)
hey joh...its me! missing your johisms...we should talk soon ok! will try and call you soon.
on a different point - im not sure i agree with you on the jonah front - what should he have said? just a question for us both to consider - if he hadnt of said that - would he have been lying - or selling god short by not acknowledging his creatorship of him etc? does that make sense? let me know what you think champ...
love always sarah xoxo
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